Rayone wheels have spent years researching and developing top-quality wheels in China. They have put their name successfully in the top ten wheel production companies in China. Their factory has a comprehensive range of products related to the vehicles, produced by their skilled workers. If you want to get the top-quality 15inch wheels, visit Rayone racing.
About the factory
- Rayone wheel produces good quality wheels with the help of 12 CNC machines. They also use milling machinery and spindle to get high rigidity and reduce the cycle time. They also perform processes like the diamond cutting lip, turning, machine face, and milling window for better quality. These processes give the wheels a smoother finish, so the people ride their vehicles smoothly on the road.
- The Hand Prep team prepares the wheel for the final finishing on the surface. These people give the wheels an artistic look by brushing up their surface to look attractive.
- The wheel undergoes several finishing processes depending upon the category. The production team can use hand brushing, ceramic polishing, and powder coating to give it a final appearance. There are custom finishes like hyper finish, red/blue undercut, and bronze coating finish that gives the wheels an exceptional look.
Designing of the wheels
The factories usually use common methods to increase production. It makes the manufacturing easy for the companies, but Rayone wheels don’t make any compromises with the uniqueness of their racing series.
- This production company has over 800 iconic molds service to assist the wheels. The design process starts after finding out the end goal and open molds only need 30 days. The market and the product gap help them figure out new designs to launch. This wheel designing process usually starts with a 3D model to make things easier.
- It has a diamond-cutting face that includes deep dish wheels full of grace and simplicity of the design. They carry out the manufacturing process with extreme carefulness to get the proper mirror finish for their racing wheels.
- Every single car you find in the showroom has a unique aesthetic to make it different than the other models. Rayone wheels use tailored engineering to cater to a specific vehicle and provide the best fit for every model. They use an extensive process to make sure that they design the best wheels for a different cars.
Rayone racing showroom
The three brands of Rayone racing are rayone wheels, KS wheels, and DIM wheels. These models are popular in Asia and have also surged high in demand in Europe. Their catalog consists of a total of 800 models along with 15,000 pcs for the foreign market.
- Rayone racing series has 13-24 inch design wheels. It includes the classic mesh design and the five-spoke design which are very popular. On average they produce somewhere around 15 to 20 designs every single year.
- Rayone’s DIM wheels are easy to recognize because they contain red and black DIM boxes. This DIM series is popular in continents of Asia and South America, and they get over 20 new dealers every month solely for this range.
- KS series is another popular brand of Rayone and currently comes in 8 different models. It is a fairly new series, and Rayone collaborated with a Japanese wheel company to design it. Their performance and wheel strength has proven to be higher than the Japanese JWL. You can easily find KS in the Australian racing rallies as it has surged in popularity in continents of Europe and Australia.
If you are looking for high-tech 15-inch wheels, Rayone racing should be your top choice.